The detectometer

The detectometer

The detectometer is now available! You can view and download it here.   Context Belgium has more than 12,000 girls potentially at risk of being circumcised (see new prevalence study project in Belgium   Target audience – The medical sector…

Shadow Report on Istanbul Convention implementation in Belgium

Shadow Report on Istanbul Convention implementation in Belgium

The present joint shadow report is produced by GAMS Belgium and INTACT1, in coordination
with End FGM EU, in order to highlight the current situation and propose concrete
recommendations on the issue of prevention, protection, prosecution and integrated policies
concerning female genital mutilation in Belgium. Despite this report focuses only on this
harmful practice, its aim is not to single it out in isolation, but just to put emphasis on it while
still seeing it in the continuum of gender-based violence against women and girls and in a
holistic and comprehensive manner…

How to talk about FGM (ENG)

How to talk about FGM (ENG)

“Words matter! The END FGM Eu Network, together with their members and as part of our Communications Working Group, have developed a small, concise and comprehensive guide on how to talk about Female Genital Mutilation in a respectful and non-stigmatising…

Practical Tips for Understanding Data on FGM/C

Practical Tips for Understanding Data on FGM/C


The Population Reference Bureau has developed a reference guide titled “Six Practical Tips for Understanding Data on Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting.” This guide aims to help researchers, advocates, program managers, and policymakers understand, interpret, and use the latest FGM/C data.

Training Manual on Gender and FGM/C – UN Women

The Training Manual on Gender and Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C), developed by the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women), approaches Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C) from a gender perspective in order to increase participants’ understanding of FGM/C as a harmful practice and a form of violence against women and girls (VAWG). 

Prevalence map FGM 2016

GAMS Belgium has updated its prevalence map on FGM in the world with regard to the new data published by UNICEF in a report in February 2016. With the new statistics, the NGO was able to integrate data from several countries in Asia, including Indonesia…