Stratégies Concertées de lutte contre les mutilations génitales féminines. Un cadre de référence pour l’analyse et l’action en Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (2013)

SC_MGF_2012_5 00001DE BROUWERE Marie, RICHARD Fabienne, DIELEMAN Myriam. Stratégies Concertées de lutte contre les mutilations génitales féminines. Un cadre de référence pour l’analyse et l’action en Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Bruxelles, Ed. GAMS Belgique, second revised edition February 2013.

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This brochure of the Concerted Strategies for fighting female genital mutilation is an updated version of the previous edition published in December 2009. It incorporates new research data collected during three days of workshops held in the spring of 2012. The aim of these workshops was to fine-tune a number of existing objectives and activities and to define additional objectives and activities. Therefore, this edition focuses on the updated socio-epidemiological diagnosis and the operating plan (with an emphasis on prevention, detection and protection).